Pack HVAC Services


If you’re reading this blog post, you’ve probably noticed something wrong with your AC compressor. However, you might be unsure whether your instincts are correct and if it’s time to call a professional, or if you should just dismiss it as a passing thought. If this situation sounds familiar, keep reading to discover 10 clear signs of a malfunctioning AC compressor.

The compressor is not just another part of your air conditioner; it’s a vital element that ensures you enjoy cool air throughout the sunny season. To help you understand its importance and the signs of a malfunctioning AC compressor, we have gathered all the important insights you need about it.

Way before the AC unit shuts down completely, the compressor starts to show signs that something inside is not working well. Knowing these signs beforehand will let you cater to the situation before it gets out of hand, and you end up paying more than your budget allows. A timely assessment of your AC will increase its lifespan and save you a good amount of money.

Nonetheless, suppose you still can’t decide whether your AC compressor is fine even after reading this blog post. In that case, you can always reach out to our professionals at Air Conditioning Service Baton Rouge.

Now, that’s a lot of talk. Let’s get to the 10 indicators we have compiled.

What Exactly is an AC Compressor?

An AC compressor is an important element of your air conditioner, and the functionality of an AC depends highly on the compressor. Since the compressor is responsible for cooling, any damage or malfunction may make you live without cool, conditioned air.

Air conditioners work on a refrigeration cycle. This process involves the circulation of a refrigerant through a closed system. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Evaporation: Warm indoor air passes over the evaporator coils. The refrigerant in these coils absorbs heat from the air, causing it to evaporate and become a gas. This cooled air is then circulated back into the room.
  2. Compression: The compressor compresses refrigerant gas, increasing its temperature and pressure.
  3. Condensation: The hot, high-pressure refrigerant gas passes through the condenser coils, releasing heat to the outdoor air and condensing into liquid.
  4. Expansion: The liquid refrigerant passes through an expansion valve, where its pressure and temperature decrease. This causes it to become very cold.

This cycle repeats continuously, providing a constant cooling effect.

That said, we hope you now understand how your air conditioner conditions the air and lets you enjoy cool surroundings even on sunny days.

Now, let’s move toward the signs indicating your AC compressor needs a professional repair:

1. Reduced or Warm Air Flow

The Air Conditioner blowing warm air instead of cool air indicates something is wrong. The reason could be either low refrigerant or a refrigerant leak in your air conditioning system. If it is a low refrigerant thing, it can be fixed easily. Hire professional help to get it topped and let the air conditioner start cooling the space again. However, suppose the low refrigerant is not the case, and the AC is blowing warm air due to a refrigerant leak. In that case, immediate assistance from an expert is required to cater to the situation with attention and expertise in a careful manner.

2. Unusual Noises

The humming sound that Air Conditioners usually make is fine. However, if you start hearing clicking, rattling, grinding, or squealing noises, it’s an indication that your compressor’s performance is not up to the mark. The unusual noises occur when your AC is having a tough time turning on or off; the reasons could be anything from the electrical relay to the switch failing or wearing out. A professional can help you with this issue and get your air conditioner started cooling perfectly again.

3. Circuit Breaker Tripping

Are you experiencing a circuit breaker that keeps tripping? This issue could be caused by an overly heated compressor, which causes the AC to pull too much power and eventually shut down. To address this situation, avoid repeatedly resetting the breaker, which can become a fire hazard. Instead, contact a professional HVAC practitioner to resolve the issue before it is too late.

4. Compressor Clutch Issues

If you have difficulty engaging and disengaging your compressor’s clutch, it is a sign that it has failed or is likely to fail. Look for an HVAC expert with experience in dealing with such issues and hire them to resolve them.

5. Refrigerant Leaks

As we have discussed above, if your AC is blowing warm air, it could be an issue of a refrigerant leak, but this is not always the case. However, if you feel excessive moisture around your air conditioner unit or puddles of water, then it is a refrigerant leak. In such a case, your AC will stop working once the refrigerant leaks out completely. A responsive approach to this issue is essential as it can also become a health hazard. Hire an HVAC expert without any second thoughts.

6. Reduced System Pressure

If you are experiencing a reduced pressure on your air conditioning system, it might be a concern. Warmer or cooler air than usual can indicate that your AC  compressor is not working well. To ensure this, first, check the filters and ducts of your system to see if they are working well or have gotten clogged. If dust and debris make it clogged, it’s time for necessary cleaning. If this is not the case, your AC unit has a weak compressor that needs urgent help from HVAC professionals.

7. Excessive Vibration

Vibration in your AC can also indicate that your AC compressor needs help. If you feel or hear the sound of vibration when your air conditioner turns on, it is facing difficulty when turning it on. This situation, which is often referred to as hard start, means your compressor is about to fail. Reach out to a professional HVAC team for help, explain the issue, and let them cater to it.

8. Overheating

If your air conditioner is overheating, it is a sign that its compressor has failed to do its job. The reasons for this could be many, from leaking to getting clogged. However, the solution could be only one: call an expert and get everything fixed.

9. Age of Compressor

The compressor’s age is another issue that can cause your AC to not perform as it used to. If your AC is not turning on at all despite a proper electric connection, it can be an indication that your AC compressor has reached its end. Call out the HVAC team to replace or repair the compressor and get your AC back to cooling normally.

10. A Scheduled AC Checkup

A scheduled checkup is a great way to ensure your air conditioner is in perfect condition. If you are facing issues like low cooling, noises, moisture, or similar problems, you can contact a professional to diagnose your air conditioner. Wondering who to trust for your air conditioner compressor? Well, Pack HVAC is the way to go. With comprehensive HVAC services and an expert team on board, this company has everything to keep your AC needs checked.


The health of the AC compressor plays a vital role in your air conditioner’s overall performance. A perfectly working compressor keeps your AC working for many years to come. With this blog post, we have listed 10 signs that indicate your AC compressor is not working well and its time to call the HVAC experts. We hope our effort would help in extending the lifespan of your air conditioner.